Friday, August 27, 2010

Week 2 Huck Finn

   I have to say I was not at all thrilled after seeing how long of a story  " Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain was going to be.  Once I got to reading I really got into the story.  I could just picture this as being my son.  He is around the same age as mine and just like my son he loved being outside regardless of what he was doing.  My son would love every minute of sailing up and down a river on a raft.  Overall it was a really good story with a lot of adventure and stories of growing up and learning life. 

    In the book Huck Finn is sort of a orphan who lives with the Widow Douglas.  She had a slave named Jim who eventually fixes to escape to freedom.  Huck has decided to help Jim on his journey to escape.  This also puts him into a weird position of feeling guilty about the whole process.  He feels guilty because Mrs. Watson was always so good to him.   He just hated to follow her rules of acting polite, learning to read and write, and praying.   She pretty much took on the role of his mother.  She put him in new clothes even though he hated them.  She taught him manners, taught him about Moses.  When his father returned she tried to fight to keep him.  He really didn't want to intentionally hurt her but felt he was doing the right thing. He never meant to do her no harm, but he couldn't stand the thought of Jim being separated from his family after he saw him crying his eyes out about missing his children. After both Huck and Jim escaped he found out there was a reward for Jim. He could have gotten $300 for turning him in but decided against it.  He realized it was not the right thing to do even though he was a slave.  He saw Jim as a equal human being.  I think he also realized how much Jim could help him in his own escape.  Jim was pretty much all the muscle between them. Even thought Huck sometimes felt sick to his stomach for not turning Jim in he always kept his word.

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