Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My name is Tara and I have 6 kids so I rarely have had much time to read since my first was born.   Its been awhile!  I did used to enjoy reading but it really has to be my choice to enjoy it.  I could probably get into a good romance novel or mystery story.  I would have to say the only thing I have read lately is maybe a magazine in the grocery check out line.  I did just take English 232 so did some real reading there.  The part I do not like about assigned reading is trying to analyze what other authors are trying to say.  Everyone can interpret a different meaning and I don't like to feel like my way is wrong.  I think our first reading assignment is really long and I wish my kids were already back to school to make it somewhat easier on me.  Hopefully I can get a bit of quiet each day to read read read to stay ahead. I really do not enjoy poems at all. Hope this is enough for my first blog.  

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