Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 15

Week 15

Alice Walker

Everyday Use

Everyday use was a very touching read.  It was one of those stories that you can’t believe how fast it’s over.  The story is about a mother and her two daughters, Maggie and Dee.  Their father has died and the girls were raised by their mother and grandmother. Many years ago when the girls were little there was a house fire and they lost everything and little Maggie was badly burned.  She has always visualized herself as the ugly daughter while Dee was the pretty one. I am sure this made her feel horrible while growing up.  Dee was also very picky about her looks and lifestyle.  At times it seems she is pretending to be something she is not.  In the story Dee is coming back to visit her Mom and sister after being away at college.  It really doesn’t say Dee has married Hakim-a-barber or not, but he is at the visit with her.  I think the girls are at some sort of competition with each other for their mothers love.  Dee seems very into her heritage but also couldn’t get away fast enough from the life she knew while growing up. I suppose she just wanted better things with her personality.  She just showed up and wants to take all these possessions with her.  She directly goes to the churn top and is noticing how lovely the benches they eat on are now that she is older.  After she decides to take that form her mom she goes into the bedroom for handmade quilts her own deceased grandmother has put together. Mother has told her they were already promised to Maggie.  I felt sorry for Maggie.  She is so used to giving things up and not having her way that she just says, “ Dee you take them”.  Of course Dee would have!  I was so glad when the mother gently took the quilts back and said, “NO”.  Finally Maggie gets what she deserves and probably felt so much love in that moment.

Amy Tan

Half and Half

Amy Tan parents emigrated from China to California where she was born and raised.  She probably grew up with more American influences while her parents tried to keep their Chinese heritage alive and strong.  Like when she first started dating Ted.  They would have preferred her date Chinese boys from church like her sisters.  In the story it starts with the girl trying to find a way to tell her mother that her and Ted are going to get a divorce. She thinks her mother will want her to work it out and starts reminiscing to a time when her mother really believed in God and the day she stopped relying on faith.  They were out as a family with 7 children.  I can relate because I have 6 and know how hectic times can be when they are all doing something different and you cannot possible keep your eye on them at all times and request the older ones to do it, when really it’s not their job or fair to them.  They are thinking about the day that everything changed. They were at the beach as a family and Dad was fishing, mom busy with blankets and organizing other kids.  The boys are off playing in the sand, the girls take a walk and as the narrator gets up to do her own thing she is ordered to watch Bing, her four year old brother.  Under her watch her little brother takes off and ends up drowning in the ocean.  Although it’s really not her fault I am sure she has held onto guilt her entire life since then. I know I would have. Even though the parents express their thoughts on the guilt belonging to the Dads selfishness and Mom knows she distracted her daughter when she should have had her focus on Bing.  I can only imagine the pain this death would bring to the entire family.

Bobbie Ann Mason


Bobbie Ann Mason grew up on a small farm in Kentucky where she grew up doing farm chores and reading.  This is probably the reason she often writes about blue collar people in small-town rural America. In this short story Norma Jean is adjusting to her husband, Leroy Moffitt being off of work.  He was a long haul truck driver who was injured in a trucking accident and is suddenly home all the time.  Norma Jean has spend the last 10 or so years pretty much as a single lady.  I am sure she has done what she wanted and when she wanted.  Her husband being home I think is irritating her.  They seem to get along just fine.  Leroy is noticed how much he has missed being gone all the time and regretting the time he has missed sharing with Norma Jean.  On the other hand it seems Norma Jean is just done and over it.  She is always keeping busy with her lifting weights and has taken up classes at the local community college. I think this is just a ploy to get away form him so much. Norma Jean’s mother, Mabel is always visiting and insists the couple go visit a battle ground called “Shiloh”.  The couple finally give in and and decide to take a trip out there.  This is where Norma Jean tells Leroy she would like a divorce I guess this happens a lot with couples. They just grow different and apart from each other.  I am sure she is not out to intentionally hurt him but I am surprised at how long she has stayed with him. And for it to happen so suddenly? she even said she was fine until her mother caught her smoking.  I guess that led her to do some soul searching and realized she isn't living the life she wished to anymore.

Jamaica Kincaid


Jamaica Kincaid also had a sad life while growing up.  She is from the Caribbean island of Antigua.  She was an only child for many years.  This whole story is constant criticism she received by her mother.  I don’t see how anyone could treat their child this way.  She never had one positive thing to say to her.  Always calling her a slut, or would grow up to be a slut.  No wonder she moved far away after high school and changed her name.  It sounds as if maybe the mother had remarried and had more children and this was at a time when Jamaica really needed love and support from her mother not constant cruel words and hatefulness.   She often wrote about her mother and how her ways killed any love between them.  I just cannot imagine saying any of those things to my daughter.  Her mother must have been a very unhappy lady to want to ruin her daughter’s life.  In a way it is also sounds like the mother is trying to help teach her to be a proper adult.  Maybe she was scared her daughter would turn out just like her.  A lot of it she is offering advice but was it really necessary to go about it in that way?  The poor girl never gets a chance to voice her own opinion or to ask questions.  I hate when people only think that THEIR way of thinking is the only right way.  It really drives me nuts.  Maybe if the daughter could get word in edgewise they would have a better relationship and her daughter would actually learn from her mothers wisdom and not make the same mistakes.  I thought some of the advice was good. I am sure she only wanted the best for her daughter and wanted her to grow to be a proper lady and not have such a tough life as she had.   But gosh there are better ways to raise a child. 

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