Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 13

Week 13

Kathryn Stockett

The Help

What do you think motivated Hilly? On one hand she’s so unpleasant to Aibileen and her own help, as well as to Skeeter once she realizes she can’t control her. But she’s a wonderful mother. Do you think you can be a good mother but at the same time a deeply flawed person?

How much of a person’s character do you think is shaped by the times in which they live? 

        I really enjoyed reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I was really impressed with her first novel.  The story takes place in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962.  I guess me be raised in California it was very different. My brother and sister were both born in the early 60’s and I have never heard stories of maids and such.  Maybe it was more of the   richer families versus middle class.  I also think out west was very different with slavery than living in the south.
        I definitely think a person’s character is shaped by the times in which they live.  It was acceptable in those days to have help with black maids.  I could just never imagine it.  I guess you can say it’s the same today with anyone being a maid, but now it’s a choice not the only job they can find.  I think you grow up and do as you were taught so all these new young moms are only replicating what they saw their entire lives and what they were taught by living with their mothers and fathers. Just like today it would not be acceptable at all to be so cruel to a maid just because she is a black woman.
        I am not sure what motivated Hilly.  I think she is just a horrid person to everyone but her children.  Some people just have no heart to be kind to anyone.  I would partly blame her parents for allowing her behavior her entire youth. If she saw all that hatred with her mother and father I am sure she finds it normal behavior.  I think she can be nice to her children because they are hers and they haven’t pissed her off just ye. I never read her say anything nice about her white friends children either and I am pretty sure just like Skeeter’s mom if her little white daughter grew up trying to help the black’s she would have turned on her just as fast or try to hide her and persuade her to be like everyone else and be ashamed.  I am glad things have changed for the better.  I cannot imagine having to treat others so badly and it being acceptable.  I would be the one feeling bad. 

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